Sampling Austria’s Cultural Beverage


Europe is a colossal magnet for international travelers. With a diverse selection of exceptional experiences designed to satisfy the discerning taste buds of tourists, this enormous continent is also a breeding ground for the world's most popular drinks.

What drink? Although wine, coffee, and tea are some of their top-ranking favorites, good old-fashioned beer will absolutely be a mighty contender! Did you guess it?

And if there's one European race that's globally recognized to masterfully produce this special brew, seriously embedding it into their national tradition since time immemorial, they're the Austrians!


Some time ago, I had the perfect opportunity to physically witness their beer culture. Although this cherished practice is pretty much alive and thriving in her neighboring countries, Austria has certainly cemented her reputation as one of Europe’s most sought-after destinations to enjoy this treasured concoction.

It was a scorching summer day when I landed at Salzburg airport. Sensing my immediate need for a thirst-quenching refreshment, my local host greeted me with a huge smile.

“Willkommen in Salzburg! (German for “Welcome to Salzburg!”) You must be tired, hungry, and thirsty after your long flight, right? Let me then invite you to this fancy restaurant. You'll definitely love it there.”

“Oh sure, some yummy food and cold drinks would be appreciated. Thanks a lot!”


As we approached our destination, little did I know that he was introducing me to an iconic Austrian landmark. And indeed - I was in for a joyful treat!


It was one of their famous heritage sites called the Stiegl Brauwelt. At first glance, I had the impression that it was a local factory due to its exterior’s industrial look. (Would you feel the same way?) But I later discovered that it was in fact an incredibly interesting building with multiple functions: restaurants, a museum, and a brewery all in one place. I never would have imagined the real purpose until I entered its welcoming doors.


For today’s episode, I'll only be presenting to you one of its restaurants, specifically the one offering traditional Austrian cuisine, desserts, and beverages with a countryside setting. And sure enough as I stepped inside this remarkable space, its rustic style interior didn't fail to impress me as a new visitor.


The most common element seen was the abundant use of wood, obvious in the chairs, tables, and surrounding architectural decors. This organic material decorated the environment with a comfortably heartwarming feel fit for their local culture.

Moreover, there were plenty of glasses, mugs, and fragile wares obviously to serve their various varieties of beer.



And now, it was high time to celebrate the superstar of the show! Wasn't this what we clearly came here for? While browsing their food menu, one type of beer caught my curious attention. It was the Stiegl-Radler, an exquisite beer with a fruity-flavored twist. Because I wasn't sure of my tolerance for the other beers offering high alcohol content, I settled for the milder versions just to be safe. And what I ordered was somewhat within that level.



I love its refreshingly sweet taste! It was quite different from the conventional brews with a slightly bitter flavor. It was basically a mixture of traditional beer with the essence of fruit juices. The Steigl-Radler beer had truly appealed to my taste buds and I'd highly recommend it for first-timers. Have you tried this beer?




Of course, we also ordered their mouthwatering meals consisting of traditional Austrian bestsellers. And while we were enjoying this sumptuous feast, my eyes were also busy glancing at the nearby tables jam-packed with European citizens I guess. (Well, some of them were probably foreigners like me).



Vibrant energy clearly filled the air as the restaurant was buzzing with interesting conversations from all walks of life. Apart from the appetizing food, their signature beers absolutely made all the difference.


Have you traveled already to Steigl Brauwelt in the Austrian city of Salzburg?

Many thanks to @godfish for inviting me to publish an unforgettable beer story on Hive. Prost, Kumpel!

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Architect | Environmentalist | Adventurer
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