Peaceful Endings


Nothing lasts forever - even our human existence. Unless you're still clueless, we are all aware that no one is exempted from the unpredictable clutches of death. Like a notorious thief, it suddenly robs you of your breath when you least expect it. And whether you like it or not, this is one of life’s most painful realities.



The mere thought of death triggers chilling sensations down our spine, or even worse, unleashes havoc to our nervous system. As a result, we continue to be terrified of our earthly demise, unconsciously poisoning our understanding of this universal phenomenon with the profound mysteries it shrouds.

Despite being an excruciating experience of life, death is still responsible for the miserable suffering of certain individuals who couldn't cope with its inevitable wrath, causing periodic anxiety, depression, and the feeling of uncertainty.



However, the sooner you accept that it's a normal stage of your mortality, the better you can cope with its existence. Right? Although these natural emotions are unavoidable, shifting your understanding of death from a place of fear to an experience of authentic serenity is truly possible. Besides, dwelling in a continuous loop of sadness is detrimental to your overall health in the long run. Confronting this challenging truth of life in the face is crucial!



I know. I've been there a number of times. Apart from the tragic loss of immediate family members, loved ones, and relatives, as well as dear friends, I had my fair share of extremely close encounters with death itself due to unforeseen accidents and other circumstances beyond my control - barely escaping its merciless grasp. As I'm writing this post, I couldn't be more grateful to our Divine Creator for granting me a second chance to live and reveal this story with the rest of the world.

At the root cause of it all is our undeniable fear of the unknown. Isn't it? We cringe at the thought that death can unknowingly destroy us in an instant, crippling our pure intentions of maximizing our lives to its fullest potential. Hence, isn't it beneficial to develop the true courage to move forward with our existence despite these disabling hurdles?



Tangible evidence of death is obviously present all around us. Just take a look at our natural habitats of animals, plants, trees, and other interesting creatures of various shapes and sizes, not to mention the vast collections of celestial bodies that comprise our ever-expanding universe. Have you noticed a neverending cycle? If there are two permanent processes here, they're the beginning of life (birth) and the end of life (death). This recurring pattern is clearly unstoppable because it's just how it is. We couldn't change it, could we?

And since human beings are part and parcel of nature, it's an inescapable truth that we must embrace with dignity. Death is not something to be ashamed of or avoided as we are all going there someday.



Thus, regardless of death’s unpredictable attack, I've compiled some tried-and-tested attitudes that have helped me personally to accept it while maintaining peace of mind and enjoying my life altogether. Do these practical behaviors resonate with you?

  • By nurturing my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health well, extending life and preventing the early occurrence of death is a huge probability.

  • By collecting and developing more genuine relationships with sincere people, leaving an everlasting legacy can happen - not even death can stop it.

  • By honestly embracing the undeniable reality of death, this universal truth has absolutely set me free from the useless stronghold of worry and overthinking.


What's your proven criteria for a peaceful ending?

About the Author


Architect | Environmentalist | Adventurer
Creator of Architecture+Design Community on Hive

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