A Quick Pause from the Daily Grind


We often focus too much on everyday work that we forget to pamper ourselves.

In today's fast-paced world, time seems to vanish in an instant. We become extremely absorbed in earning a living that we tend to forget that life is just more than making ends meet.

And then, we rant.

We complain that despite the noble cause of serving others through our chosen professions, businesses, or passions, we still hit a blank wall in the end - leading to burnout. Relatively, we keep insisting that we don't have the extra luxury of resting due to the lack of time. But is the lack of time really the problem?

I don't think so. It's simply how we allocate the same seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years we've all been bestowed with. Budgeting time greatly depends on what you consider important in your life. It's all about managing your priorities and other valuable aspects that matter the most, isn't it?

True, providing for the fundamental needs of other people is personally fulfilling and is essential for humanity’s long-term survival. However, shouldn't self-care be also one of your top priorities? It should. In the first place, how could you genuinely bless your fellow mortals if you barely have nothing to offer? You simply can't give something that you don't have.


Although the word “selfish” has also gained some bad publicity, I'd like to reframe our misconception about it. If viewed from the correct context, being selfish is actually beneficial for your health. This radical shift of mindset enpowers you to be initially well-equipped with vital tools to be able to serve others much better. In my opinion, it's a strategic preparation to being selfless. And there are plenty of ways to be selfish in a good light. Do you agree?

One option? Mini-retreats.

Apart from usually looking forward to the weekends, public holidays, or annual vacations, I do my best to spoil myself once in a while with quality personal breaks. As opposed to the instant gratification I get from faster lifestyles and hectic work-related activities of today, these quick escapes from the stressful environments entail slower but gratifying experiences even in the midst of the bustling commotions of city life.


For example, I purposely selected urban places that are quite private, hidden, quiet, and exclusive, further away from the common commercial establishments where most people hangout - like this beautiful strip mall. It hosted an ample number of retail outlets, relaxing cafes, and specialty dining spaces where family members, close friends, and loved ones of mine could feel at home.



And while walking deeper until reaching the far end of this modern landmark, I discovered this exceptional Spanish restaurant that ideally suited my discerning tastes for excellent food and beverages, a serene atmosphere, plus private seating areas - not to mention the heartwarming hospitality of their friendly staff. It was truly an excellent catch!


The timing was also perfect because not many patrons were present as evident with the obvious sight of empty tables. It was like booking the entire restaurant exclusively for me and my companions. We eventually lingered there, savoring their mouthwatering cuisine and sharing interesting conversations together while also sipping their tasty wine.


It was an absolutely energizing evening filled with wonderful memories. In fact, I remembered sleeping like a baby that night until I was completely recharged - ready to battle the unforseen challenges of the next day.

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Architect | Environmentalist | Adventurer
Creator of Architecture+Design Community on Hive

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